Revamped Auto-Apply Feature: Faster with 31,000 more jobs!


software engineering

As technology is evolving faster than ever, we believe the job search process should also evolve with it. That’s why we’re excited to share a major update to our AI Career Agent’s Auto-Apply feature, now available in the latest version of our app. This update is designed to make developers’ job search as efficient and effective as possible.  

More Job Opportunities

We’ve increased the number of jobs our AI Career Agent can find by 67% - that’s 31,000 more open software developer positions! This improvement has been made possible through key partnerships and integrations, allowing us to offer a wider variety of positions, including a boost in junior developer roles - a response to popular demand from our user base. 

What’s New with Auto-Apply

Speed and Transparency

Our dev team has been hard at work to incorporate our users’ feedback. The Auto-Apply feature now ensures quicker confirmation emails once applications are submitted. We’ve also increased the transparency of the application process, so users know exactly what is being submitted and how it’s submitted. 

Accuracy Improvements 

The accuracy of the data being populated in the application form fields were significantly improved. This means you can worry less about the errors in your application submissions and gain more confidence in our AI Career Agent’s capability to represent you accurately. 

Additional Fixes 

This latest update includes over a dozen smaller bug fixes and enhancements to improve the overall functionality and user experience of our app. 

Behind the Scenes

Redesigning the Auto-Apply feature was no easy task. Our dev team had to re-approach and re-engineer the entire application process. The new system is now 10x more reliable, scalable and transparent for our users. 

Check out our demo video here to get a glimpse into this latest update. 

If you’re reading this piece and are an existing user, we’d love to hear what you think of the update. You can share any feedback you have directly within the app. 

If you haven’t tried our AI Career Agent yet, you can get access here

The job application process doesn’t have to be tedious and time-consuming. With our newly updated AI Career Agent and its enhanced Auto-Apply capability, we’re here to help developers save time, apply smarter, and manage their career better.


Writing from our team

Explore our AI Career Agent's latest update, featuring an enhanced Auto-Apply system with 67% more job listings, improved application accuracy, and increased transparency.

A detailed dive into recent layofffs, remote work, and hiring.

This guide provides a checklist for software developers to evaluate job satisfaction and determine if it's time to seek new opportunities, focusing on growth, compensation, balance, and culture.


Writing from our team

Explore our AI Career Agent's latest update, featuring an enhanced Auto-Apply system with 67% more job listings, improved application accuracy, and increased transparency.

A detailed dive into recent layofffs, remote work, and hiring.

This guide provides a checklist for software developers to evaluate job satisfaction and determine if it's time to seek new opportunities, focusing on growth, compensation, balance, and culture.

The article explores developer burnout, highlighting causes and recommending strategies for prevention and management.


Writing from our team

Explore our AI Career Agent's latest update, featuring an enhanced Auto-Apply system with 67% more job listings, improved application accuracy, and increased transparency.

A detailed dive into recent layofffs, remote work, and hiring.

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